We help city, county, and town planners connect with the bigger picture.


City, county, and town planners are tasked with translating local values and aspirations into systems, policies, programs, and projects that help achieve local community goals. This requires effective outreach, engagement, and consensus-building within a highly politicized public planning process. It also requires setting the right context to show how local goals relate to larger regional or statewide dynamics.

We know how to plan at the local level by looking from the outside in, and from the inside out. We know how to create insightful communications that tell a compelling story and can facilitate consensus. We know how to knit together state and regional opportunities with local community planning objectives. This is particularly true with transportation systems that do much to influence city form and foster economic development.  With an increasing interest in multimodal transportation systems, local, state, and regional agencies are seeking better ways to effectively integrate land use, urban design, and transportation into planning methods and decision-making processes.

We have focused on integrated land use and transportation planning since our inception in 1999 and continues to innovate for clients. We've worked with cities, counties, and towns all across the country including Fairfax, CreedmoorOrlandoPompano Beach, Front Royal, and cities and towns across Virginia and the country through our technical assistance work.